Teach in China for a Year

Your adventure begins here.

Our schools exist in order to transform lives and train servant leaders through high quality education in a loving environment. Founded in 2013, our licensed day school now serves over 300 Chinese students, kindergarten through grade 8. The faculty is comprised of Chinese and American educators. Most classes are taught in English, but unlike most international schools, our schools have a unique blend of Chinese and American influences. Our methodology also involves a strong emphasis on English and global education. We have begun the accreditation process and have an open relationship with Chinese education authorities. As we continue to grow, we need more and more certified teachers with a minimum of two years of teaching experience and are Canadian or USA citizens.

We know you want to experience as much of the culture as possible while living overseas. Every teacher in our overseas program has a flexible schedule provides chances for learning and service beyond the classroom. Take a year of your life and experience a new culture and way of life.

Teachers receive a good salary, quality housing, health insurance, roundtrip tickets each year, pre-field training and a loving environment in which to serve and grow. Take the opportunity to make a lasting difference while expanding your personal horizons.

Live and Learn

China is a safe and intriguing place to live, learn, serve and experience life.

Make a Difference

China is the single most strategic country in the world.